YesCymru welcomes the findings of the interim report by The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales.
In admitting that the status quo is a diminishing possibility we welcome the acceptance that independence is now firmly on the table as a means of ensuring the future of Wales, its communities and its citizens.
We also welcome the finding of the commission that reducing the devolved powers of the Senedd is no longer an option worth considering. YesCymru is in agreement with the commission that existing economic constraints, legal frameworks and governance structures are detrimental to Wales’ interest and reform is essential. YesCymru welcomes the fact that 55% of all the participants in the consultation phase expressed support for independence for Wales.
Elfed Williams, Chair of YesCymru said- “YesCymru agrees with the Commission findings that the supremacy of the Westminster Parliament means that any change to the current arrangements must be initiated by the UK Government but that the UK Government can also ignore any call for further change made by the people of Wales. We have always said that this is not a partnership of nations but a domination of rule by Westminster.”
Gwern Gwynfil, CEO of YesCymru said- “ An independent Wales is now much more than an idealistic vision for a better future for those who live here. it’s the only guaranteed option that safeguards our people from the pitfalls and hazards that come with Westminster governance. Independence is ultimately the only way to ensure the brightest possible future for those who care to call Wales their home."
"This report is a step in the right direction, taking us a little closer to our goal of securing the constitutional change we must see to reach our goal of independence, it is welcomed wholeheartedly”