Here is the agenda for the EGM on December 8th:
10:30 Registration
11:00 Start
Item 1 - New proposals (below)
Item 2 - The constitution as proposed at our recent AGM - Document
Item 3 - Nomination for central committee posts
Each item will be discussed and voted.
Here are the relevant documents that will be discussed at the meeting, with download links:
Proposal from YesCymru Central Committee - Document 1 Document 2
The constitution as proposed at our recent AGM - Document
Motion from Jim Dunckley - Introduction & Proposed constitution
Motion from Peter Tugwell - Introduction & Motion
Motion from Gwyn Llewelyn - Proposed constitution
Please note: Time will be against us in the EGM, with much to discuss. We must limit the time spent on each part of the agenda, therefore we encourage you to read every motion in advance of the meeting, so that the day's proceedings can run as smoothly as possible.