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Independent Investigation Report - Elfyn Llwyd LLB

Between September last year and February this year saw a breakdown of trust between Directors on the National Governing Body (NGB) of YesCymru and some members. This period saw the departure of the CEO from the organisation as well as several Directors from the NGB.

To start the process of rebuilding trust and confidence within the organisation it was decided to launch an independent investigation into the NGB’s decision-making process and the action it took.

This investigation, which has been conducted without fear or favour by The Right Honourable Elfyn Llwyd has now concluded and a report on its findings has been presented to the NGB and Council of Deputies (CoD) and will be made available to all members via our website.

Elfyn Llwyd has been given a substantial body of information which includes Minutes of NGB Meetings, e-mails from members, screenshots of text conversations, reports, financial information, legal documentation, letters to and from solicitors, and all relevant paperwork.

All members of YesCymru who were involved in what took place were invited for interview as part of the investigation – most of whom took up the opportunity, while others declined, did not respond, or did not respond within a requested time frame.

Mr Llwyd, an eminent barrister of unquestioned integrity, conducted this wide-ranging investigation meticulously, and the NGB and Council of Deputies would like to thank him for his work.

YesCymru’s NGB and CoD accepts its findings and its recommendations, which it will now move to implement following a consultation with members.

We believe that elements of the report pertaining to the conduct of some individuals speak for themselves, and we do not wish to add further comment.

The report demonstrates that in difficult circumstances a majority of the NGB including the Chair took reasonable and proportionate measures to safeguard the integrity and ensure the financial health of the organisation in accordance with the law and our articles of association. Serious allegations levelled against the Chair and other members of the NGB have been found to be without merit or foundation. It is clear they acted with integrity and in the best interest of YesCymru.

This report reflects our commitment to transparency as well as our determination as an organisation to learn lessons from the past, to grow and to heal.

Because of the action the NGB took, YesCymru is in a secure and sustainable financial space and we are well placed to grow our movement.

We believe that the publication of this report to our members draws a line under this period and we believe that YesCymru can and will emerge stronger from it. It is now time to turn the page and write an exciting new chapter in the history of our movement.

The NGB is united and focused now on getting out into our communities and redouble our campaigning efforts for a free and independent Wales. This is an opportunity to renew and revitalise our movement and to reaffirm our commitment to a Wales that is fair, prosperous, and has equality at its heart.

We should remember that despite the challenges, YesCymru has achieved extraordinary things since it was founded. We have put independence firmly on the Welsh political agenda.

We believe that the future is bright for YesCymru as we believe the future is bright for Wales.

Read the full report here.


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  • John Richardson
    commented 2024-10-22 08:54:13 +0100
    There doesn’t seem to a link to the actual report, or am I missing something obvious? Diolch