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Pages tagged "Currency & Central Bank"

Wales’ Fiscal Future – Public Finances within the UK & Independence

Earlier in March, Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre published Wales’ Fiscal Future – a major paper on the fiscal (public spending, tax etc.) implications of both Welsh independence and the Union (pdf).

There are clearly more important things going on in the world right now and it’s not exactly light reading, but I’m assuming there was an expectation I’d go through it at some point.

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The economic questions about independence have been answered – but are politicians listening?

In Nation Cymru on 13th September, Mick Antoniw joined the debate on independence, raising not unreasonable questions about the economics of independence that need to be answered, and I am happy to do so.

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Audio: Winning the currency debate ‘crucial’ to Welsh independence

Winning the debate about currency would be crucial to the success of any campaign for Welsh independence, according to Swansea University economist Dr. John Ball.

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